Edilberto K. Tiempo’s historical novel spans five generations of the Alcantara family in Nueva Vizcaya. The narrative unfolds across six decades, from around 1890 to the early 1950s – from...
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To Love Life and See Good Days
A small brochure accompanying the exhibition To Love Life and See Good Days featuring the paintings of Regina de Leon and the minimalist jewelry of her daughter, Nicole Acuna at...
Tokhang Nation
In his fifth book of poems, Arvin Abejo Mangohig proceeds from the contention that the act of writing a poem is a moral one. From their gentle beseeching to firsthand...
Tommy Hafalla: Ili (Special Edition)
For over three decades, Tommy Hafalla has been documenting the life and rituals of the ethnolinguistic groups of the Philippine Cordillera. These are presented in his first book, Ili, wherein...
Traditional Philippine Cordillera Art
The accompanying catalog of the exhibition Ifugao Sculpture: Expressions in Philippine Cordillera Art presented by the University of Hong Kong and AsianArt: Future, it features a range of sculptural objects...
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Traditional Philippine Cordillera Art (with slipcase)
The accompanying catalog of the exhibition Ifugao Sculpture: Expressions in Philippine Cordillera Art presented by the University of Hong Kong and AsianArt: Future, it features a range of sculptural objects from the...
Transpacific Engagements (HB)
Edited by Florina H. Capistrano-Baker and Meha Priyadarshini, the essays in this book address the resulting cultural and artistic exchanges with an emphasis on both the Spanish and American enterprises...
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Transpacific Engagements (SB)
Edited by Florina H. Capistrano-Baker and Meha Priyadarshini, the essays in this book address the resulting cultural and artistic exchanges with an emphasis on both the Spanish and American enterprises...
Tree of Life
A small catalog published in conjunction with the exhibition Tree of Life: The Fourth Southeast Asian Ceramics Festival held at the Ayala Museum in 2016. Curated by Hadrian Mendoza, the...